I know the heart health journey can be overwhelming, confusing, and scary. 

I am here to help you gain more confidence in your health, and reduce your risk of heart disease through science based, personalized nutrition. 

I know the heart health journey can be overwhelming, confusing, and scary. 

I am here to help you gain more confidence in your health, and reduce your risk of heart disease through science based, personalized nutrition. 

The key to long term nutrition and lifestyle medicine success is personalization.

We need to ensure that the changes you make become lifelong habits because heart disease is a progressive disease - meaning it takes months, years, and decades of practicing unbalanced nutrition and suboptimal lifestyle habits before it presents as a heart attack or cardiovascular event.

I work 1 on 1 with my clients with a very high success rate to provide them with science based nutrition that works for them and helps them achieve their goals to optimize their heart health.

Some of my clients have:

- Suffered from a heart attack or stroke and are trying to prevent a second event
- Medical conditions that place them at higher risk for heart disease/heart attacks like high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, gout, fatty liver disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, prediabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, osteoporosis, acid reflux, heart failure, and familial hypercholesterolemia
- High CAC scores and need to be more proactive
- A strong family history of heart disease or an elevated lipoprotein(a) level

I work with each of my clients to manage all of their risk factors for heart disease and implement a nutrient sufficient heart healthy diet to optimize cardiovascular function.

Nutrient sufficiency includes making sure you are getting the right amount of lean protein, healthy fat, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals (including vitamins D, A, E, K, Magnesium, folate, calcium, Manganese, Copper, Selenium, etc) in your diet for your blood flow to be optimized, for your heart to beat regularly, and for your heart to pump efficiently. 

I want you to have the energy, great health, confidence and happiness you deserve. Everyone is unique, and everyone needs a personalized evaluation and health plan for long term implementation. I have found that this combination creates the highest likelihood for a successful journey!

When we work 1 on 1 together, you receive: 

Personalization of science based nutrition and lifestyle medicine to achieve your goals, protect your heart (and all of your organs!), and reduce your risk of future cardiac events.

A 90 minute comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle assessment and evaluation that assesses for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, macronutrient balance, and underlying issues that may appear with heart disease (such as inflammation, oxidative stress, insulin resistance , etc). This is also for me to optimally personalize science-based recommendations to allow for realistic, sustainable long term change. 

A road map designed for you that includes a personalized health resource guide that outlines all my findings in the previous 90 minute assessment, and provides instruction on which foods to increase (AND WHY) and which foods to decrease, in specific quantities (AND WHY).

Follow up! Support will differ based on which program you choose. Follow ups are to maintain progress, discuss challenges, review how to tackle nutrition choices at restaurants, social gatherings, travel, etc. 


Schedule a 15 minute complimentary consultation here.
Once we meet for our 15 minute call, if we both agree that you are a good fit for the program, you will receive a proposal, and next steps for onboarding.
After all of this is completed, we will begin our journey together! 

Modified Program

VIP Program

VIP Intensive Program




1.5 Months

3 Months

4 Months

Two 90 minute sessions

Two 90 minute sessions

Two 90 minute sessions

Two 30 minute follow-up sessions

Four 30 minute follow-up sessions

Four 30 minute follow-up sessions


- Full access to me in-between sessions via email

- Full access to me in-between sessions via email

- Enrollment in the 6 week heart optimization group program and private facebook community









I like traditional food from my culture, can I still eat them or incorporate them into my lifestyle?

Of course! The whole aspect of personalization is to merge the science within your lifestyle, which includes the foods you like to eat! I often offer tweaks to certain aspects of the dish to make it more heart healthy, while keeping true to the flavor and delicious taste!

Can you guarantee success?

I provide my proven personalized step-by-step framework and science based methodology to help you reach your health and wellness goals. While I cannot guarantee success, I have a very high success rate with thousands of clients successfully optimizing their laboratory parameters, managing their medical conditions, and reducing their risk of cardiovascular events. 

Can I join both the group and 1 on 1 coaching?

Yes! Many of my clients will join both the 6 week heart optimization group program and the 1 to 1 coaching in order to reap the benefits of both styles of learning. The group program is lecture-based and community driven so you have the support of other people who are going through a similar health journey. The 1 to 1 coaching provides a personalized assessment, health resource guide, meal plan, and hand-holding support to ensure you are reaching your goals and troubleshooting all challenges that may impede on your success. If you are interested in joining both programs, please schedule a call here to ensure you would be a good fit. 

How do I know if I should join the group or the 1 on 1 coaching?

It depends on your method of learning, and if you want a personalized evaluation and plan. If you are unsure which program may benefit you, feel free to schedule a call here.

How will we meet?

All meetings are held by Zoom video conference.

What if I need more help after I am in a program?

After the program is completed, we will assess your progress and the next steps. I offer maintenance support programs that you may choose to enroll in from there.

Do you take insurance?

Not at this time. I’m happy to offer an invoice for you to submit to your insurance provider for out-of-network reimbursement, though benefits will vary. I also am able to accept health spending cards (FSA/HSA cards), as well.

Do I have to pay in full?

No, I offer a variety of payment plan options to work with your budget.

"I seeked out Michelle because of her amazing content on Instagram and my recent blood tests. I have been truly blown away with her services. She has educated me more about heart health than my cardiologist or any doctor has, and I am beyond grateful. This is a very eye opening journey to be honest, and I am truly grateful for Michelle. It is such an incredible investment and I recommend everyone to seek her services, especially if you have heart disease in your family."


"I received an elevated calcium score with normal cholesterol levels so my doctor prescribed me a vegan diet and a statin. I tried the doctor’s orders for 6 months and my weight increased, my labs got worse, so I decided to reach out with Michelle. We worked together closely and she had noticed that my blood pressure was never controlled and I had insulin resistance issues. We addressed them through some diet changes, and my blood pressure was normal within 3 weeks. I never connected these two things to my elevated calcium score, and I am so grateful for Michelle’s knowledge and expertise on my health journey."


"I received the shocking news of a heart attack at the young age of 40. Michelle was my savior in guiding me to optimal heart health. She explained everything that was going on and what I should eat that made the journey less stressful for me and my wife. She helped me increase my heart function, improve all my blood tests, and gain strength, confidence, and empowerment to take control of the situation. Highly highly recommend!"


"Michelle is very forthright with her science based nutritional knowledge; she explains complex concepts in clear and understandable terms. The materials are interesting and easy to remember. She has a patient, calm, organized teaching style that makes for an engaging class. I wish I learned this information when i was 20! "


"The information Michelle presents is clear, easy to understand, and organized, it is very in depth which I very much appreciated. I have been able to make several changes to improve my diet and lifestyle. Michelle is very easy to listen to, takes time for questions, and works with people from their starting point. Excellent course, so happy I took it!"


"Loved the intimate group size, the ease of instruction, and the pace. Michelle made even the very complex easy to understand and follow along. There was so much substance to each lecture and questions were always welcomed no matter how elementary. She was honest and didn’t sugar coat the facts. Knowing she is a professional in the field of heart nutrition without any agenda to sell products or programs was huge. Her main goal was to ensure her clients/students learn to adapt to a heart healthy lifestyle."


“I enjoyed this so much. I am inspired now to become a better version of myself every day! I feel so much healthier just learning and implementing these tools that she recommends. I learned more than I thought I could in 6 weeks!! I highly recommend this to anyone that wants to improve their mindset on heart health and quality of life!!”


"I am so fortunate to have found Entirely Nourished. The custom tailored heart health regimen is easily to live with and sustainable. I have other ailments - chronic kidney stones, diverticulosis, and anxiety - that were incorporated into my plan so that my entire self is doing much better. I have been able to add back foods that were previously "off limits"  because of Michelle's entire body health focus. Thank you!


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